Thursday, March 22, 2012

How should I wash my face in the morning?

Cleansing your face twice a day is arguably the most important part of your daily beauty routine. Neglecting this simple process can result in dirty, oily skin that's much more likely to fall prey to acne breakouts -- who needs that? Cleanse your face once at night to remove all the makeup, dirt, sweat and pollutants that your hectic day subjected your poor face to and follow with a moisturizer. Wash again in the morning to rinse away your moisturizer from the night before and help you put your best face forward for the coming day.

1. Choose a high quality cleanser.

The Caviar Clarifying Gel works for many skin types:
2. Pull back your hair with a hair tie or headband to keep it away from your face while you're washing it.
3. Use lukewarm water to splash your face. Pour a nickel-sized dollop of face wash into your hand and rub your hands together. Apply the cleanser to your skin by gently making small circular motions with your fingertips.
4. Rinse the soap off your face with cool water. This will also close your pores.
5. Pat your face dry using a soft clean towel. Rubbing your skin will irritate and redden it. 
6. Apply a moisturizer and sunscreen and wait about 10 minutes before applying makeup.

The Day Treatment Cream will keep your face hydrated throughout the day:

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