Through my adult years, I would look in the mirror and slowly see those little brown spots appear and think that it was all over...my face would never be clear and even toned again. But I was mistaken and once I realized that there were
skin lightening creams and home made treatments out there, I now have the skin color of a youngster. I spent years playing in the sun, then several years trying to get that tan glow that we think we need. Meanwhile I was doing such damage to my skin, but thank goodness it doesn't take as long to repair this damage as it did to create it.
There are many Black Skin Care products that I came across as well as bleaching creams for black skin. As I researched them, I found wonderful reviews of people that were very satisfied with their results. I decided to go a different route though and began to create home made products. Here are some of the items and tips that helped me along. One is taking a whole lemon, squeezing out the juice to which you add 2 Tablespoons of White Rum and 2 Tablespoons of Glycerin. Mix well and using a cotton swab, apply to brown spots at least 2 times per day.
You can refrigerate any of the solution that is leftover. Just be sure to stay out of the sun immediately after using. This will work over time, but you must be diligent and patient. Other ingredients you may want to consider is Vitamin E oil, witch hazel and aloe vera. You can also take Glutathione and Vitamin C together as this combination will improve the skin tone. It is also important to exfoliate the skin at least 3 times a week to rid the surface of dead skin cells. And along with that you can use any of Makari natural skin lightening or bleaching products to complete the process. Before you know it, you will have the skin of a youngster too.